
Wednesday, 11 January 2017

PMQs; Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn clash over NHS.

Jeremy Corbyn accuses the prime minister of being in denial.
He describes the situation of 22 month-old who was treated on two chairs in A&E.

Is this acceptable? he asks.

Theresa May accepts that "there have a small number" of "unacceptable practices" and adds that it is important to investigate such incidents.

Jeremy Corbyn moves on to mental health telling MPs that last night the BBC "revealed an 89% increase" in the number of young people with mental health issues going to A&E departments.

He asks if the prime minister agrees that the £1.25bn committed to child and adolescent mental health should have been ring-fenced not raided.

Theresa May says there has been an increase in people accessing mental health services but adds that A&E have seen numbers "stabilising, not going up

If she won't listen to the Red Cross who will she listen to? asks Jeremy Corbyn.

The prime minister acknowledges the pressures on the NHS, saying the government has put extra funding in, and there are more people being treated every day.

"It's not just a question of targets in relation to the health service," she says, pointing out that

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn quotes the Red Cross who described the situation as a humanitarian crisis.

He asks if she agrees with the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt that the best way to solve the crisis of the four hour wait is to "fiddle the figures".

Prime Minister Theresa May replies that there are pressures on the NHS.

She argues that to use the description of the NHS as being humanitarian crisis as "irresponsible and overblown".

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